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1) I am ill and have informed the director before rehearsal by emailing or call/texting 949-981-3012

2) A family emergency occurred and I have informed the director before rehearsal by emailing or call/texting 949-981-3012


-I agree to arrive ON TIME to EVERY REHEARSAL with a water bottle, my SCRIPT, and anything else I am instructed to have with me.


-I will always be polite and respectful to my fellow actors, directors, and crewmembers. I WILL NOT TALK WITH MY FRIENDS DURING REHERASAL -ESPECIALLY WHEN THE DIRECTORS ARE TRYING TO GIVE INSTRUCTION.


-If I have a problem with someone, I will talk to him/her calmly about it. If the problem persists, I

will go to the director or stage manager.


-I will not use profanity while at rehearsal.


-I will treat my SHOW SHIRT, SCRIPT, or BINDER WITH RESPECT and will not twist, rip, wrinkle, cut or throw it away.


-I understand that the directors want me to perform to the best of my ability and will give me correction as needed. If I have a concern with anything in my character’s text, I will talk with one of the directors.


-I will remember that IT IS A PRIVLEDGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SHOW and I will have my lines and lyrics memorized before blocking the scenes I am participating in.

-I will NOT touch any props, costumes, set pieces or anyone else’s script unless I am asked to do so.


-I will TURN OFF or SILENCE MY PHONE DURING REHEARSAL so that I can remain focused on the production process.


-I understand that wearing masks may be required if COVID cases rise or several cast members test positive and that I may also be asked to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status in the weeks leading up to Dress Rehearsal.


- I WILL DO MY BEST TO LEARN ALL CHOREOGRAPHY TAUGHT by watching rehearsal videos or meeting with a cast member before I am scheduled to rehearse again. If I am unable to attend rehearsal, I will be responsible for learning the material I have missed.


-I will follow the dress code as outlined in the audition packet and will clip or pony tail my hair so that the directors can see my face at rehearsal.


-I will remember to spit out gum and use the restroom before rehearsal begins so that I am ready to learn.


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